Online Casino – What are Random Number Generators?


A big part of the appeal of casino games is their unpredictable nature. Although every game has a house edge that ensures it will win in the long run, it is far from certain that one player will lose every time. Some outcomes are more likely than others, but it’s perfectly possible to win because each one is completely random.

In a land-based casino, most games at Xgtiger are naturally random. For example, the particular compartment of a roulette wheel where the ball effectively ends up in physics. The same is true for what number is shown after the roll of the dice. The order in which the cards appear is randomized by shuffling.

Online casinos have to artificially manipulate this natural randomness in order to provide an experience as close as possible to a real casino. This is done by using random number generators (RNGs), which also help to ensure that the games are fair.

On this page we explain how these RNGs work and the benefits they provide to casinos and their players.

How RNGs Work

The casino games you play in online casinos are powered by fairly hi-tech software. Whichever casino you play at, the software used will contain some programming code that continuously generates strings of random numbers. This code essentially constitutes an RNG.

Anytime the software needs to produce a certain outcome, such as the result of a spin of a roulette wheel, it will use one of the randomly generated numbers to determine what it is. This is a very simple explanation of how things work, but it should give you the basic idea.

The code that generates the random numbers has to be very complex. Strictly speaking, computers are unable to reproduce true randomness; there is always some kind of pattern. By making the code sufficiently complex, any pattern that develops should be unrecognizable.

Generally, each number, or sequence of numbers, is influenced by what is known as a seed. The seed is also random, which ensures that an RNG is sufficiently randomized to serve its intended purpose.

RNGs and Probability

Roulette wheels, decks of cards, and dice have no memory. Each result is completely independent of the previous results. They will always produce expected results in the long run due to the laws of probability, but may have statistically significant differences in the short run.

For example, if you roll a dice 6 million times, you would expect to see each of the six numbers come up close to 1 million times. If you roll it six times, however, it’s far from certain that you’ll see each one come up once.

By using RNGs, casino software produces outcomes that are not based on precedents, which is exactly how it would be in a real casino. If black comes up 6 times in a row on an online roulette wheel, it is no more or less likely to be black again on the next spin.

It is the random nature of casino games that causes statistical variation, which ultimately makes it possible to overcome the house edge in a short period of time and actually win money. Therefore, RNGs are absolutely necessary for an online casino to provide a realistic experience.

How RNGs Protect Online Casinos

RNGs not only ensure realistic games, but they also protect online casinos in several ways. First, they make it possible for them to prove that they provide fair games. One of the biggest reasons why some people put off playing online is a concern about fairness, and it’s a common fear that online casinos are somehow cheating players.

Most online casinos (and certainly the reputable ones) are licensed by a gaming authority. To maintain their license, they usually have to undergo a software audit by a third party. These software auditors test RNGs and make sure they perform as they should. If a casino can demonstrate that they are using an effective RNG in the right way, it confirms that their games are fair.

Effective RNGs can also protect online casinos against themselves. As mentioned earlier, 100% randomness cannot be reproduced artificially, and some form of pattern will always develop. If a casino uses an RNG that doesn’t randomize enough to make the patterns unrecognizable, then it can be exploited. Any player smart enough to see a pattern could, theoretically, predict the outcome of games. Such a scenario obviously has the potential to be very expensive for an online casino.

Hopefully, it should now be clear what RNGs are, how they work, and why they are used. You don’t really need to know any of this to enjoy playing at online casinos, but at the very least it can put your mind at ease if you have any concerns about whether they are fair.


Are you an avid gaming fan and want to know how to bet on online casino games? At Xgtiger, you’ll get the latest information on this year’s best casino games and a variety of gaming options, all in one place.

To start your online gambling journey, all you need to do is create an account on the site, deposit funds and you’ll be ready to bet on the best and most anticipated casino games.

Frequently asked questions

A random number generation algorithm ensures that providers do not tamper with games by randomizing the numbers using software. Using programmed code, RNGs provide online casino games with random numbers to use, all generated by lines of code.

There are usually two principal methods for generating random numbers: truly-random method and pseudorandom method. Truly-random methods generate numbers according to some random physical phenomenon. For instance, rolling a fair die will generate truly random numbers between 1 and 6.

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